[f3] faith family fitness

#68: Habits, Rituals and Routines for Self-Care (Interview with 3IBCT’s CSM Huynh-part 2)
December 17, 2021

#68: Habits, Rituals and Routines for Self-Care (Interview with 3IBCT’s CSM Huynh-part 2)

This is part 2 of my interview with CSM Huynh. CSM Huynh’s father fought for the South Vietn...

#67: Habits, Rituals and Routines for Self-Care (Interview with 3IBCT’s CSM Huynh-part 1)
December 17, 2021

#67: Habits, Rituals and Routines for Self-Care (Interview with 3IBCT’s CSM Huynh-part 1)

Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Huynh’s father fought for the South Vietnamese Army during the ...

#65: Jason Forte-This is a Family Investment Opportunity

#65: Jason Forte-This is a Family Investment Opportunity

Jason Forte and I deployed to Iraq together from 2009-2010. I quickly learned how passionate he ...

#64: 3 Thoughts with Dr. Mary Rose Blank-Perceptions Shape Performance

#64: 3 Thoughts with Dr. Mary Rose Blank-Perceptions Shape Performance

There is a fascinating dimension in the mind that has incredible power to determine how we perfo...

#63: 3 Thoughts with James Evans-It Begins with Self-Assessment

James Evans founded the Nashville-based nonprofit, Benchmark Adventure Ministries ( www.benchmark....

#62: 3 Thoughts with John Christian-A Psychologist’s Perspective

#62: 3 Thoughts with John Christian-A Psychologist’s Perspective

One of the great privileges of serving in the military is getting to know and work alongside other...