Episode Categories

[F3] Faith, Family & FitnessA holistic approach to building a flourishing life so we can serve others better.
[LDR] Leadership - Learning from leaders who share their experience.
[SOAP] Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer - Seeking God's wisdom through His Word.
[WS] War Stories - War Stories is a collection of conversations with Service Members who share stories that helped define their service. This collection is designed to preserve the legacy of military service, and honor the memory of those who served. 
[CHAP] Army Chaplains- Army Chaplains have an amazing privilege. They get front row seats to the extraordinary lives of Soldiers and Families who serve and sacrifice for all of us. 
[COACH] Coaching- Personal and Leadership Coaching is an exploding industry. There's a reason why. People want to change! Coaching is a powerful way to foster personal development and transformation, and to improve performance across the various dimensions of life.
[CG] Common Ground - We all come from different backgrounds, and sometimes we don't all see eye to eye; but we can learn to listen and find common ground on what matters most. 
[DLC] De la Calle - "From the street..." These are random stories with fascinating people along the way. 
[MEN] Men - Men are designed for a unique role in society. The more we understand and fulfill that design, the more we flourish, and the more we can contribute to the world. 
[BCS] Berean Christian SchoolWord for the Week podcast is partnering with Berean Christian School to develop a special communications elective program for high school students. This is a category dedicated entirely to their podcasting projects. 

Word for the Week

Word for the Week

Listen to something that matters.

Listen to something that matters.
